
Disclaimer – a personal perspective with emotion and humor

Females, 50s (or near), time to reflect.

So what on earth is this all about?

Well let me make it clear, I am just a very turbulent, yet extremely independent and successful female trying to navigate the s**tshow of life in my 50s.

So here is the run down on this site. Firstly DISCLAIMER: everything you read, comments, blogs etc. IS just general information, satire and opinion. Whilst I am actually qualified and accredited to provide very detailed support around many areas of well-being and health, the one thing the last few years has taught me is JUST how INDIVIDUAL we all are. Without spending time and listening, anything suggested are ideas to try, (remember to run everything past your medical provider)

Secondly – this site is not meant to offend anyone. It is not about putting down symptoms, emotions or feelings, but taking a somewhat satirical and light hearted approach to the challenges faced by females at this stage of life. Side note, until pretty recently, talk around these subjects was taboo, scientific research was ‘too variable (aka hard), yet there are literally millions of females surviving (just) in silence, many in desperation.

Thirdly, if you don’t like what is written – move on, you don’t have to read it. There are way too many keyboard warriors in this world. Lets try a few basic things, reserving judgment, thinking if it works for you it will for everyone else! Respecting others lifestyle choices and barriers, what is simple for one person can be the most challenging for the other. Mindset time, be open, positive and take from this what you want, a laugh, ideas, soul mates, inspiration.

Final food for thought

So finally remember, I am a menopausal 50 something female. So emotionally vulnerable, therefore posts might be mixed depending on this! I will be giving you an insight into my extremally complex and crazy life, which would leave some of the plots of the most famous TV dramas looking dull! Yet, amazingly whatever ANY of us have endured, one thing is without doubt, there will be people out there who have been though the same. So let this blog bring the amazing, resilient, kind, enduring souls together. Together we are stronger, braver, happier and most importantly, never alone!

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